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A warm welcome to all Friends Of the Last Ocean (FOLO)       

Winter has set in and Christchurch continues to shake making life in the Last Ocean office at times quite challenging. But between the quakes and chaos we’ve still managed to keep very busy.

In this newsletter: our new short film competition, TVNZ World Oceans Day interview , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) Ross Sea stakeholder meetings, iconic NZ musician Dave Dobbyn talks on the Ross Sea, we profile Trust chairman Dr Peter Wilson, and learn about an amazing Last Ocean local - Antarctic Toothfish.

This email just contains highlights - read the full newsletter online here and remember you can get more regular updates on Facebook and Twitter.


Short Film Competition launch – Kelly Tarltons, June 7 2011

We are running a short film competition. This was recently launched at Kelly Tarlton’s Underwater World in Auckland and is open to anyone living in New Zealand either at secondary school or over 16 not at school. Entrants are able to download a selection of film clips and photographs from the Ross Sea and there are some great prizes including a trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands with Heritage Expeditions.

Entries close August 12, 2011; winners to be announced during  Conservation Week in September. More…


World Oceans Day – June 8 2011

On World Oceans Day, Television New Zealand's Breakfast Show invited Peter Young to talk about the Ross Sea and the work of the Last Ocean Trust. See what Pete had to say.



Ross Sea MPA on NZ's political radar

Over the past 8 weeks the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (who oversee all of NZ’s Antarctic policy) have run a series of stakeholder meetings for parties interested in marine protection for the Ross Sea.  More...



Short film highlights some of the issues surrounding Ross Sea

Peter Young is currently working on a feature-length documentary for the Last Ocean. He recently produced a five minute promo outlining the key aspects of the issue.


News & views from the Ross Sea – interview with Dave Dobbyn

Renowned New Zealand singer/songwriter Dave Dobbyn was invited to visit the Ross Sea region in November 2010 as one of New Zealand’s Antarctic Arts Fellows. He was able to visit the historic huts of Ross Island, the McMurdo Dry Valleys and the Adélie penguin rookery at Cape Royds. Dave even played a gig for staff at the Scott Base bar, 'The Tatty Flag'.

He is now working on some music inspired by his time on the Ice. Watch an interview with Dave.


Meet the team – Peter Wilson, Chairman of the Last Ocean Charitable Trust

Peter Wilson in AntarcticaPeter's annual migration to Antarctica began in 1980 to monitor Adélie penguin populations in the Ross Sea. Having spent 25 summers on the ice he is now a passionate advocate for the preservation of this remarkable marine ecosystem.

Peter brings a wealth of scientific knowledge and experience to the Last Ocean Charitable Trust. More…


Last Ocean locals : Antarctic toothfish

The large, cod-like Antarctic toothfish fills a crucial role in the Ross Sea food-web, growing to more than two metres in length and reaching weights of 150kg. These fish demonstrate some remarkable adaptations that allow them to live in the harsh sub-zero habitat.

Watch a short video including comments from NZ toothfish biologist Assoc. Prof. Clive Evans. 

Donate to the Last Ocean

The Last Ocean Charitable Trust relies completely on donations. If you feel our campaign for the protection of the Ross Sea is important, you can help keep us on track by making a secure donation online here. This is tax deductible for New Zealand residents.


Take action! Petition for protection of the Ross Sea

Our petition lobbying the New Zealand Government to change their stance on commercial fishing activities in the Ross Sea recently gained 500 signatures. It only takes a minute to sign – make sure you keep spreading this with your friends and colleagues!


Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please forward it on to your friends and family.  We will soon be combining our web strategy with Last Ocean USA, so keep an eye out for that too.

If you have any comments, feedback or story ideas, please email

Until next time...

Kate Beer, Coordinator





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