A warm welcome to all Friends of the Last Ocean
What a crazy start to 2012 we've had. A lot has been going on over the last few months. In this issue: gearing up for the Last Ocean documentary, our social media campaign revamp and recent articles in the media..
Gearing up for the Last Ocean Documentary
The Last Ocean's 90 minute feature documentary has been accepted into the New Zealand International Film Festival which opens in July. The film will also air on Prime later this year. The film will build momentum towards the 2012 CCAMLR meeting – this is the year the fate of the Ross Sea's proposed Marine Protected Area may be sealed!
Please don’t forget to sign our petition – those signatures will go directly to CCAMLR. We need your support!
Ramping up our Social Media and a New Video Series To keep people in the loop about the documentary and our progress towards CCAMLR, we’ve bumped up our social media presence. We're releasing regular blog posts and short videos. These videos are available on our homepage as well as on our YouTube channel. We've also started a Twitter feed! SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGN: 
Gareth Morgan causes a stir - Last Ocean responds
New Zealand economist Gareth Morgan has been lashing out against the Last Ocean and our partners. Read our responses by FORSE (Friends of the Ross Sea Ecosystem – led by David Ainley) and Peter Young from the April 24 edition of the NZ Herald. FORSE: Putting the Ross Sea in perspective We'd like to put the Ross Sea in perspective for Dr. Morgan and the readers of the NZ Herald. No doubt readers are familiar with, and proud of, Te Urewera and Fjordland National Parks. Together they comprise the largest area of native old-growth forest left on the North and South Island, respectively. Nearly all of the country's still extant native birds can be found there, including threatened species like the kiwi, kokako, kaka, falcon and the unique whio or blue duck...Read more Peter Young: Protecting Happy Feet's Home I took an interest in the Antarctic toothfish Fishery six years ago after going down to the Ross Sea to film wildlife in the summer of 2007. The issue is a fascinating mix of science, conservation, international politics and business. I'm currently bringing it together in an NZ on Air funded documentary that will screen on Prime Television later in the year…Read more
An Abundance of Toothfish in the Ross Sea?
Perhaps you’ve heard the news – NIWA’s recent toothfish survey in the southern Ross Sea has found “high densities” of young fish, leading many news agencies to suggest the population is not at risk. But they are leaving out some key details.
Want the truth? Read our blog post here...
Introducing the Antarctic Ocean Alliance
A couple weeks ago the newly formed Antarctic Ocean Alliance, which are partners with the Last Ocean, formally launched a bold campaign: a network of 19 marine protected areas throughout the Southern Ocean with the Ross Sea as the Crown Jewel.Last Ocean’s Peter Young presented at the launch in Wellington, NZ to show support for AOA and to stress the importance of ensuring a Ross Sea MPA is on the table at the upcoming CCAMLR meeting this fall… Read more...
The Ross Sea: A Cold Evolutionary Hotspot
Last Ocean supporter Dr. Joseph Eastman writes about the incredible and unique evolution of Antarctic fishes in the Ross Sea!
Recently the home page of my web browser highlighted the discovery of 123 new species of vertebrates and invertebrates in the remote tropical forests of Borneo, an area in Indonesia now protected by the World Wildlife Fund due to its tremendous biodiversity. Even Darwin called the island “one great luxuriant hothouse made by nature for herself”. Read more...
Show your support The Last Ocean Charitable Trust relies completely on donations. If you feel our campaign for the protection of the Ross Sea is important you can help keep us on track by making a secure donation online here. This is tax deductible for New Zealand residents.
1948 signatures and building Our online petition continues to grow. It will eventually be presented to the New Zealand Government and it will be an important tool in our campaign. It asks the New Zealand Government to phase out fishing in the Ross Sea and promote the establishment of a comprehensive no-take marine reserve for the entire Ross Sea continental shelf and slope. Have your say. It only takes a minute to sign and you do NOT receive further correspondence from Change.org who we run the petition through.
Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please forward it on to your friends and family. You can keep up to date with the latest from Last Ocean by following us on Facebook. If you have any comments, feedback or story ideas, please email info@lastocean.co.nz, Until next time... The team at the Last Ocean. 